Differential abundance functions

Function to calculate differential abundance table

get_diff_table <- function(auc_matrix, control.sample_list, treatment.sample_list, log2_transformed = FALSE){
  # Get the AUC values per each sample and calculate the means per feature
  temp.df_control <- auc_matrix %>% 
  control_means <- rowMeans(temp.df_control, na.rm = TRUE)
  temp.df_treatment <- auc_matrix %>% 
  treatment_means <- rowMeans(temp.df_treatment, na.rm = TRUE)
  diff_table <- as.data.frame(cbind(control_means, treatment_means))
  if(log2_transformed == TRUE){
    diff_table <- diff_table %>% 
      mutate(log2FC = treatment_means - control_means)
  } else {
    diff_table <- diff_table %>% 
      mutate(ratio = treatment_means/control_means) %>% # get the control/treatment ratio
      mutate(log2FC = log2(ratio)) # calculate log2FC
  rownames(diff_table) <- rownames(auc_matrix)
  # Initialize pvalues matrix
  pvalues <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(auc_matrix), pval = rep(0, length(rownames(auc_matrix))))
  #Calculate pvalue per each of the features
  for(i in 1:nrow(pvalues)){
    t.test <- t.test(as.numeric(temp.df_control[i,]), as.numeric(temp.df_treatment[i,]), paired = FALSE)
    pvalues$pval[i] <- t.test$p.value
  pvalues <- pvalues %>% 
    rownames_to_column(var = 'FeatureID')
  diff_table <- diff_table %>% 
    rownames_to_column(var = 'FeatureID') %>% 
    left_join(pvalues, by = 'FeatureID')
  diff_table$pval.adj <- p.adjust(diff_table$pval, method = 'fdr')