Chapter 2 Metabolomics data set
The metabolomics data set used here was obtained from a soil incubation.
The experimental design consisted on soil flasks that were incubated aerobically for up to 60 days. Half of the flasks received a water pulse at the start of the incubation. Four flasks were sacrificed at the start of the incubation (T0), one day after the water pulse (T1), 7 days after the water pulse (T2), 30 days after the water pulse (T3) and 60 days after the water pulse (T4).
Figure 2.1: Experimental design metabolomics data
Liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) data was collected for each of the samples. Spectra data was processed with the software Compound Discoverer to generate the following compound abundances.
<- read_csv('data/metabolite_abundance.csv') %>%
metabolite_abundance column_to_rownames(var = 'FeatureID')